VDR Show - Virginia Tech 2024

Abu Jalloh

Abu is a 2024 designer from Brooklyn, NY. Abu is a Virginia Tech graduate yet has continued to play a central role in all 3 Vêtement De Rue shows at Virginia Tech.

Brand Design

Gated Minds. gatedminds.com. IG: @gated.minds. Gated Minds started at Tech with the goal of bringing awareness & support to the issues negatively impacting us through sustainable streetwear and accessories.

About the Design

This year's design takes a spin on one of my concepts from last year. I've swapped out the all-black suit and money-filled briefcase for an all-white outfit adorned with embroidered flowers and a matching floral headpiece. Instead of being chained to money, our model now embodies freedom and embraces nature.For comfort and flexibility, I opted for 100% cotton for the suit jacket and a polyester blend for the pants. The flowers were embroidered onto mesh fabric and cut out to be stitched throughout the outfit, adding a touch of elegance throughout and to complete the look, I spray-painted a briefcase white to perfectly complement the outfit.

Design Inspiration

I find inspiration in my personal interests, drawing from various forms of media like art, film, and music. Incorporating these influences into my work allows me to reflect a bit of myself into each creation. Whether subtly or overtly, my designs often mirror aspects of my personality, and it's that relatability that keeps me motivated and connected to my work. As for my personal designer style, it's a mix of streetwear and flair, aiming for a balance between innovation and functionality.

More about Abu

I also helped with the VDR film innit